is both a religion and more than a religion. Hellenismos is the heart of
our religion. Hellenismos is a way of life which utilizes genuine
philosophy and which has as its outward expression, thriskeia (Gr. θρησκεία,
ΘΡΗΣΚΕΊΑ). Thriskeia is the organized worship and ritual
of the ancient Hellenic polytheistic tradition, especially the outward
expression of belief in the Thæi (Theoi = the Gods; Gr. Θεοί, ΘΕΟΊ). Thriskeia is translated as
"religion" in the English language. When the belief system
of Hellenismos is put into practice and organized into temples and
ritual, this is called thriskeia. To say that Hellenismos is
merely thriskeia would be misleading being that Hellenismos is
not creedal but philosophical, in the highest sense of the term. In other
words, Hellenismos is based more on the manner in which we live our lives
rather than organized outward forms and beliefs. Thriskeia is
an aspect of Hellenismos, but is not inclusive of its entire meaning. Religion, with its forms and rituals, is only an outward
form; if one's way of life does not reflect into the religion, such thriskeia is
an empty shell. You can say this of any religion but it is particularly
important to the creator of this website and his teachers in Greece. Hellenismos
is more than thriskeia because it can
exist independent of the outward forms; Hellenismos beats in our
heart, our soul. And the Gods exist independent of thriskeia, independent of religion, independent of our worship of them. So we say that Hellenismos is both a
religion and more than a religion because beyond the forms of thriskeia, we put our philosophy into action.
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